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Mother's Day Sale - Valid from May 11 - May 15, 2018

The B*E*S*T Sale of the Year!!!! 40% OFF TOP BRAND YARNS

Happy Mother's Day to mothers of all kinds (including fur babies!). The women behind Bonita Patterns are mom's of both the human and fur babies' kinds. We surely understand what is unconditional love for our kiddos, as well as the trials and tribulations we have to endure at times.

We know that you all deserve and most of all, as crafters, we know what you WANT and NEED: Y*A*R*N!

This sale is closest to WHOLESALE prices that you'll ever get! These are TOP BRANDS (Malabrigo, Cascade, Ella Rae, Juniper Moon Farm, Queensland, Mirasol, Euro Baby, etc.) and luxurious fibers. The reason for this "madness" sale is not only our Mother's Day gift to you, but that we are going to discontinue to make room to grow and focus on our Bonita Yarns brand.

We are also offering 40% OFF on ALL PATTERNS


15% on ALL BONITA YARNS Collections

NO COUPON NEEDED - Discounts already applied to items.

(Offer Valid from May 11 - May 15, 2018)



Sold Out
Euro Baby - Maypole Bulky 09 - Bonita Patterns

Euro Baby - Maypole Bulky 14

700 Save $1.50
Juniper Moon Farm - 08 Moonshine - Bonita Patterns

Juniper Moon Farm - 08 Moonshine

Araucania Huasco Sotaqui - 10 - Bonita Patterns

Araucania Huasco Sotaqui - 10

1745 Save $7.50
Sold Out
Malabrigo Finito - 025 Bronce - Bonita Patterns

Malabrigo Finito - 025 Bronce

Sold Out
Noro - Silk Garden - Taupes/Black 267

Noro - Silk Garden - Taupes/Black 267

Sold Out
Noro - Silk Garden - Pink, Neutrals, Grey, Purple 408 - Bonita Patterns

Noro - Silk Garden - Pink, Neutrals, Grey, Purple 408

Mirasol - Llama Una - 8205 Cardamom - Bonita Patterns

Mirasol - Llama Una - 8205 Cardamom

Sold Out
Malabrigo - Worsted - 502 American Beauty - Bonita Patterns

Malabrigo - Worsted - 502 American Beauty

Sold Out
Noro - Kureyon - Brown Grey Taupe 149

Noro - Kureyon - Brown Grey Taupe 149

Araucania Huasco Worsted - 305 - Bonita Patterns

Araucania Huasco Worsted - 305

Noro - Silk Garden - Pink Blues Purples 3395

Noro - Silk Garden - Pink Blues Purples 3395

995 Save $2